Into 2017 – A New start

posted in: Building The Website 0

As 2016 drew to a close it became apparent that I have been neglecting this website! Even the trusty D7100 had a longer shelf life in the last year.

I could simply put this down to perhaps the one major change in my life “Moving to Hobart”. While It’s taken some time to settle in, I can safely say I’m finally feeling at home. That being said Devonport will always remain my “True” home as it still holds many of my friends and family.

Moving forward – Look forward to seeing a few more “frequent” updates from myself across the coming months. I’ve just finished the final touches on the server that this little site calls home so you can expect to me sharing a lot more.


I’ll leave you with this adorable little guy I snapped whilst in Sydney at the Tarronga Zoo last year.