Wedding Portfolio

Marriage isn't a ring worn or a paper signed. It is not something endured but savoured. It is the union of two hearts beating as one, each that would sacrifice for the other's happiness and wellbeing. Marriage is something so beautiful that in that natural world it would be an opening rose, always with radiant petals left to unfurl to a warm sun. Perhaps that is why we give roses to those we love and often have them at our sacred unions. Marriage is the blessing we give to one another, an eternal bond of soul-mates.

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Astrophotography Portfolio

Here you'll find my pride over the last 10 years. Spontaneous late night adventures to the remote jetties or laying on the windswept grass as the milky way ignites the sky above me. With my passion of seeking out new locations at every opportunity to find ways to view the night sky this is my work of astrophotography.

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Landscape Portfolio

Turning those Sunday drives into a tale worthy of telling years to come. Landscape photography is often a game of cat and mouse, you never know when you will capture that perfect moment, but you always remain on the hunt.

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Portfolio Archive

Here you find my entire collection of my favourite shots. Organised into series to make it easier to find my best work. Ranging from animals to landscapes, portraits to weddings. if it can be photographed chances are I've attempted to capture it in my own unique way.

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